Our last election was in 2018…
Don’t let poor meeting attendance decide who represents you

Deadline Extended!
Complete Your Proxy Before Wednesday’s Election Meeting


Join us in making sure Embassy Lakes has an HOA Board Election

In less than 1 minute you can complete the proxy provided by Embassy Lakes Management. We need almost 500 proxies just to have an election!

What’s all the fuss about?


It’s our money and we deserve transparency in the financials. We elect board members to be stewards of our collective contributions.


Dues continue to increase every year with rumors of a large assessment in 2025. We need board members that will work to keep our dues as low as possible.


Board members are elected to represent the interests of the home owners. They should solicit feedback regularly and better represent the young families that account for 70% of our neighborhood. No current board member has young children.

We’re not too late

Welcome to our custom Child Theme!

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